Your kids are more important to you than anything else. I’m a parent, I understand that.
And at a time when you may be confronted with your own grief, guilt, anger and fear or overwhelmed with the challenges of divorce, your children need you to be their parent more than ever.
They need you to provide consistent parenting, a peaceful home, and a respectful relationship with their other parent. They need information and answers to their questions that are appropriate for their ages and situation. And they need your assurance that they are loved, they can love both parents and all of you will be okay.
Case Study – Mom and Dad had worked wonderfully for years as a team raising their two children. But when Mom learned Dad had a girlfriend, their relationship with each other and the relationships of each parent with each child quickly deteriorated. The children’s lives became chaotic as they were drawn far too deeply into adult issues. Sound familiar? See Case Studies to learn about how these divorcing parents, and others, put their marital conflict aside to become co-parents after the divorce.
Also see:
Parenting and Custody – The Legal Basics
What Our Kids Would Tell Us About Parenting and Divorce (If We Asked)
Keeping the House “For the Kids”
Child Support – The Legal Basics
College – The Legal Basics