Repairing Damaged Parent-Parent and Parent-Child Relationships

Basic Facts

Mom and Dad had worked wonderfully for years as a team raising their two children. But when Mom learned Dad had a girlfriend, their relationship with each other and the relationships of each parent with each child quickly deteriorated. The children’s lives became chaotic as they were drawn far too deeply into adult issues.


Re-establishing a co-parent relationship when the relationship between Mom and Dad had become extremely volatile and combative. Repairing the parent-child relationships which were damaged by several unintentional but undeniably bad parental choices.

Solution/Value Added

As a neutral mediator rather than either Mom’s or Dad’s lawyer, I was able to offer strong constructive criticism and common sense advice to both parents. Because my delivery was genuine, non-judgmental and compassionate, Mom and Dad trusted me although they could not immediately trust each other. By highly structuring and managing the mediation process, Mom and Dad became accountable for their decisions and choices going forward. Focusing their energy on co-parenting and away from spousal conflict, they came together to create a child rather than adult focused parenting plan and financial arrangements.

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