September 17, 2020
Might the Pandemic Save A Marriage?
In August I shared my experience that during the pandemic, there was a significant increase in the number of people calling me about starting a divorce. My experience was consistent with the findings in an August 4, 2020 Wall Street Journal article I posted.
But over the past month, I’ve actually experienced a significant increase in the number of potential clients calling me, not for divorce services, but for referrals for marriage counselors. I’ve also heard from several clients in the midst of the divorce process asking to “put things on hold”. It seems that perhaps spending more time with their spouses doing simple things together like taking a walk around the neighborhood or sharing dinner is helping them reconnect. Or maybe the need to cooperate to juggle two jobs with kids home 24/7 is reminding spouses about how they can work as a successful team.
It’s too early to tell for sure what the long term impact of the pandemic will have on marriages. But maybe, just maybe, some marriages will survive and thrive because COVID 19 helped struggling couples renew their desire and commitment to their families. And wouldn’t that be wonderful.
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