December 1, 2022
Family Court Backload Improving
The Hon. Elizabeth A. Bozzuto, Deputy Chief Court Administrator for the Judicial Department of the State of Connecticut, recently released some positive figures. It seems that the backload of cases in the family court, due primarily to COVID restrictions on court access, decreased significantly. Specifically, the pending inventory of family cases peaked on October 15, 2021 at 9,539 cases statewide. That number decreased to 7,479 as of September 20, 2022, a decrease, as Judge Bozzuto notes, of 21.6 percent in less than a 12 month period.
According to Judge Bozzuto, “three factors have contributed-and [she} believes, will continue to contribute- to the reduction: the increased use of remote technology; the return to typical in-person volume; and finally, the implementation of ‘Pathways.'”
She added, “Pathways …. case management method … determines the needs and complexity of each case early in the process and assigns each case to one of three paths for a timely and efficient resolution”.
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