April 14, 2022
England’s New No Fault Divorce and Congrats to Connecticut
A new simplified divorce option went into effect in England on April 6, 2022. It combines the no-fault divorce option that Connecticut adopted way back in the 1970s with the simple filing process our state has offered for several years.
Provided you meet the criteria to start divorce proceedings in England & Wales, one of the spouses or, both of them together, can make an application to the court for a final order dissolving their marriage with just a brief statement to the court that the marriage has suffered an “irretrievable breakdown”. It is no longer necessary to prove why the marriage had an irretrievable breakdown and blame the other for the breakdown or, even wait 2 or 5 years after a separation has occurred to start the divorce proceedings. The new divorce law aims to provide a quicker and more conciliatory approach to separation.
The divorce legal process in Connecticut is far from perfect. But compared to many nations around the world as well as states in our own country, historically we’ve often been the leader in improving the experience for divorcing families.
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