October 12, 2016
Divorce In Less Than 90 Days, My 1 Year Anniversary Report
In my September 19, 2015 Blog Post I wrote,
“There’s some great news for many Connecticut couples who will be divorcing non-adversarially. As of October 1, 2015, Connecticut offers [a] new option… which should help many couples limit the time and cost of their divorce:
… especially valuable for my mediation and collaborative divorce clients, the ability to eliminate the 90 day waiting period and potentially divorce in a day.
The details and logistics of these new options are still being worked out. I’ll continue to report to you about these exciting new divorce opportunities in the months and years to come.”
A year has passed since the 90 Day Waiver Option became available. During this year I’ve helped many mediation and collaborative clients take advantage of this option in numerous courts throughout Connecticut including New Britain, New Haven, Stamford, Meriden, Waterbury, Ansonia-Milford, Middletown, and Litchfield. I can’t say that all the details and logistics have been worked out or that the 90 Day Waiver procedure is identical in every courthouse. But I’m thrilled to report that in my experience, overall the 90 Day Waiting Period Waiver option functions smoothly and as intended, giving divorcing couples control over and responsibility for their own divorces!
To me the greatest value of the 90 Day Waiver Option is that couples can focus on creating their divorce parenting and financial arrangements without having an artificial court imposed time line hanging over their heads adding stress to an already stressful situation. We’re freed up to use our time, energy, and other resources creating consensus rather than preparing for pretrials or sitting in the courthouse lobby waiting for status conferences.
And, somewhat ironically, most of my clients choosing the 90 Day Waiver Option are completing their divorce negotiations and the legal divorce much more quickly than they would have under the old system with its court imposed time line and procedures.
Do you want to learn more about how the 90 Day Waiting Period Waiver works or explore whether it makes sense for you, because it doesn’t for every couple, then feel free to call me with your questions and comments at 203-271-3888.
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