Executive Compensation and Need for Company and Personal Privacy

Basic Facts

Tom was a high level sales executive for a fortune 100 Company.
My client, Nancy, was a corporate wife, homemaker and stay at home mother to two pre-teens.


On its face, the case needed extensive formal discovery. Tom’s compensation structure was complex, with salary being only one piece. In addition, Tom’s pre-divorce choices had jeopardized his continued employment while devastating and enraging Nancy. However, for the good of the entire family, financial and personal privacy was key.

Solution/Value Added

I assembled a team of collaborative professionals who modeled positive behavior and communications for Tom and Nancy. Working with the neutral financial professional experienced with executive compensation, Nancy received full financial disclosure and education. Sitting between me and the divorce coach at each team meeting enabled Nancy to make smart, well considered decisions for her future. Full settlement was achieved without the service of one subpoena or notice of one deposition.

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